Sunday, June 19, 2005


CTCL Articles - What is It?

  1. Cancerbacup (Rachelle): CTCL Basics (link also on left). Layman's terms. If you read only one article, start here.
  2. Cancerbacup (Rachelle): Non-Hodgin's Lymphoma (NHL) Overview. Layman's Terms.
  3. Cancerweb (SuzieQ): Written for Doctors, but helpful, detail info if you don't mind looking up a few words.
  4. Moffitt (Scott): H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, Tampa, Fla. Clinical, but readable.
  5. WebMD (Scott): Basic info. Layman's terms.
  6. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
  7. Lymphoma Focus. A Comprehensive Educational Resource for the Lymphoma Community.
  8. National Cancer Institute

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